Tintin in Tibet

The Dalai Lama in 2006 gave his appreciation for the contribution ‘Tinitn in Tibet’ had in creating awareness of the existence of Tibet (not the political situation).  This book was published a year after the Dalai Lama went into exile.  

Photo – prayer wheels at His Holiness the Dalai Lama Temple in Mcleod Gunj by Aman Sidhu

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June-July Reading 2019

I just happened to take stock the other day and realised that in June and July I had read 7 books! This hasn’t happened since I finished uni (20 years ago!). Here are my thoughts …

India: From Midnight to the Millennium and Beyond by S. Tharoor: A very readable book providing an excellent background to understanding the current political and social situations. However, it left me pretty underwhelmed about the future.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving a F*uck by M. Manson: A hilarious page turner with solid down to earth advice on which parts of your life you need to take seriously (which are few) and those that you don’t need to (which are many).

Man’s Search For Meaning by V. E. Frankl: A short but extremely profound book that will stay with me. The author is a psychologist who survived the holocaust. The book provided a very lucid perspective on what we need as humans to survive. This book has helped me in starting to simply my expectations.

Ikigai by H. Gracia & F. Mirales: The book is beautiful both from the outside and inside! It is helping me to further simplify my life: I am less urgent about things, trying not to feel guilty about going out for coffees and lunches with my friends and without even trying I have been able to pursue my passion – reading!

An American Marriage by T Jones: I felt a bit underwhelmed after reading this book but having discussed it with friends realised it is the hopelessness of real life that the book reflects that leaves you feeling down. 

The Forty Rules of Love by E. Shafak: I am in love with this book which welcomes you into the world of Sufism and shows you how relevant it is in our daily lives. The story has been told from the perspective of multiple characters making it easier to appreciate and together with the oscillating time periods (modern and mid 1200s) increases the pace of the book.

Superior: The Return of Race Science by A. Saini: This is an exceptional and compelling read which I recommend to everybody. Its publication couldn’t have been timed better considering the current political climate world over. I have reviewed this book in detail in an earlier post.